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Denver Plumbers: Internet Marketing Report

Search engine results for Denver Plumbers

So, you have more than likely landed here because you wanted to see the Denver Plumbers Internet Marketing Report that we have been conducting for the past couple of weeks. During the past 2 or 3 weeks, the team at SEOhog have researched and put together a timely report that shows the metrics of most major plumbing companies in Denver, all in one report.  What is that? Well, basically we wanted to see what social media metrics, and other factors had to do with ranking in the search engines. In more basic terms, we wanted to know why Google was ranking some plumbing sites over others.  In order to figure this out we needed to compare different aspects of all the different plumbing sites that are already on the 1st page compared to those plumbing websites that are not on the 1st page of Google, Yahoo or Bing.

Why do this? We had completed a great deal of research for a local plumber in Denver. During that process we had compiled all of this research in anticipation of being awarded that contract. Unfortunately that did not happen. So... why hang on to all of this great information? We might as well share our research.

In addition to creating a ranking report of the major players in the plumbing vertical, SEOhog has created supporting reports which show the blueprint of the major players. So, make certain to take the time and review all of the reports here as they have been built specifically for those companies wishing to place well in the search engine results pages for search terms including “Denver” and “plumbing” or a variation of those search terms.